The health of our four-legged friend also and above all depends on the diet that we follow. It is essential that it is healthy and balanced, therefore. It is always advisable to evaluate the daily requirement well together with the nutritionist. We need precautions that will be rewarded with a long and strong life.
Dogs have a different organism from ours with completely different digestive mechanisms, what we bipeds assimilate without any problem is not necessarily able to do it Fido. For this reason, when he makes the sweet eyes at the foot of the dining table, let’s think about it before giving in to the temptation to give him an exception to the rule.
Dogs can eat the berries? It is not excluded that it may be one of those foods that you absolutely must not eat and potentially harmful to your health. So it is good to always inquire with your trusted veterinarian before trying a new ingredient in Bau’s diet. Only he, with proven qualifications and experience, will be able to evaluate pros and cons, breed characteristics, and any clinical history that can affect more or less in a negative way.
Can Dogs Eat Blackberries? Before understanding, if we can include this one-off food in his diet, we must be clear that his body works in a different way from ours and that there are prohibited foods for dogs that we must absolutely avoid and keep away from the paws and from the Fido’s mouth.
Let us not forget, in fact, that we are dealing with a quadruped that can not resist the throat and is not aware of its limits. The off-limits must be kept tightly closed in cabinets and cupboards where the dog cannot arrive now and never.
How dog digestion works
Many make a mistake, especially if they are at the first experience in the dog field, thinking that a fur ball (especially if large in size) can eat everything and that it can digest even the stones: nothing more wrong. Indeed, the dog’s stomach is particularly sensitive, it cannot digest spicy, fried foods, with onion, garlic. And many other foods, including those containing lactose.
Here then, for example, if we want to opt for a natural dog diet, we must be prepared and let the nutritionist guide us well. We always wait for your clearance and avoid improvisations and do it yourself.
Planning is essential
Dogs can eat blackberries, but the dog’s diet must be taken care of in the smallest details and never left to chance, it must always be healthy and balanced and we must make sure that Fido eats foods that are good for dogs and that do not cause him problems at the level. gastrointestinal. If we notice episodes of diarrhea in the dog and we know that he has eaten a new ingredient, we speak to the specialist and make sure that the effects cannot be serious. Prolonged malaise can lead to a loss of fluids and a dehydrated dog, if not treated in time, may not even cope.
In the case of dogs and digestion, we must start from the assumption that everything starts from the mouth: already at this stage, we can realize that there is a substantial difference between us humans and our beloved Fido. The dog, in fact, for example, does not chew like its bipedal companion in adventures but swallows large pieces of food with each bite. Furthermore, the stomach of our four-legged friend is larger than that of humans and the acids it produces are much more concentrated and powerful than those we have to deal with.
Fido’s digestive process is slow – a single medal takes an average of twenty hours – and takes place in the intestine, not like ours, which begins in the mouth as soon as salivation is activated. In short, there are a number of differences that we absolutely cannot ignore. If we have just adopted a puppy, let’s take him to the vet and get advice on what to do. In fact, the balances also change according to age, race, and health conditions.
More, yes or no?
With the summer they arrive, the blackberries: beautiful and blood-colored but, more importantly, sweet and tasty like few fruits in the world. For us humans, they are simply irresistible and have properties that are very good for us, but the same is true for our four-legged friend or should we put them under lock and key and not give in to any of his requests?
Is there a reason our beloved Fido shouldn’t enjoy their unique flavor? Owners, rest assured: dogs can eat blackberries (with due attention). In fact, the knowledge we must acquire on the subject does not end here. It is very important to know what the doses allowed by the specialist are, in order to avoid food poisoning which can also have serious consequences.
Blackberries are not included in the list of foods forbidden to our four-legged friends, such as the binomial dogs and grapes for example, and can be integrated into Fido’s diet as long as they are fresh, genuine, untreated fruit and that quantities are those established by the nutritionist.
It is possible for dogs to eat blackberries, yes, but with intelligence. We absolutely must exclude packaged products such as canned products or those treated with syrups, loaded with sugars and preservatives that are harmful to the health of our little furball. Sugar, as well as salt, in fact, are part of those spices mentioned above which are absolutely harmful. Let’s say, in summary, that the condiments are not very suitable for safeguarding the correct functioning of the stomach of our little hairball.
The vet, an ally
If we have any doubts about a particular food, let’s not forget that we can consider those questions to ask the vet to avoid making mistakes, albeit in good faith. For any uncertainty, therefore, let us contact those who are competent in the matter.
He is the only one who can give us targeted advice, who knows our four-legged friend and his health conditions since he was a puppy. For this reason. It takes into account any pathologies, allergies, or intolerances to which we must pay attention. And only he can have a general overview.
We must not exaggerate
That experts reassure us that dogs can eat blackberries does not mean that there are no limits, rules and that we have to give ourselves crazy joy, exceeding the quantities. Indeed, a valuable piece of advice is that – subject to veterinary authorization – to do an allergy test if we have to make Fido ingest food that has never been tried before. A very small amount is allowed, after which we are to see if reactions never seen before or discomfort arise. If everyone goes smoothly, we proceed with the prescribed doses, otherwise, we choose another food that is equally tasty but that does not create problems of any kind.
Our desire to offer a varied and innovative diet to our four-legged friend is not wrong. Focusing on just one food or product can cause boredom and loss of appetite. Nobody likes to eat only pasta with gravy, but nobody likes to be with indigestion stomach pain for days either. In short, virtue lies in the middle, and this applies to any living being, human and animal.
Dogs can eat blackberries but in small quantities, and first of all, we do what we just mentioned: every time we introduce a new food in the dog’s diet we must always start with little to have the time to observe its behavior and check if it falls within the limits. his tastes or if it causes digestive problems. In the latter case, all the more reason we must absolutely contact our trusted veterinarian to run for cover and solve this little “road accident”.
If our four-legged friend does not feel bad, he would get used to the taste of blackberries and show himself happy and wagging his tail every time we bring home a basket, we have officially the green light. We follow the advice of the specialist and nothing bad will happen.
How to feed blackberries to dogs
Now we need to understand how to feed blackberries to our four-legged friend, which is no small matter. In fact, both the quantities and the method of administration, the frequency must be discussed with the specialist. We immediately start from the assumption that it is a food that must be inserted sporadically, perfect as a tidbit in training to follow the mechanism of positive reinforcement. Yes, training your dog with snacks is possible but without overdoing the quantities
Basically, Fido’s diet must remain unchanged. The basic rule, which however can change from case to case and which must be ascertained with the nutritionist, says two meals a day in never excessive quantities that contain meat proteins accompanied by fresh vegetables and a minimum part of cereals (in the case of express dishes).
We never forget that our little furball, however domesticated it may be, remains a predator that first needs to absorb food of animal origin, followed by vitamins, minerals, and fiber as needed. Nothing can be left to chance or hearsay.
Blackberries must be an addition to these meals, a kind of one-off treat, a little extra dessert with which to reward our beloved Fido. And they will be appreciated much, indeed much more, precisely. Because there is no risk that the palate will get bored with the flavor. Moreover, even if he is greedy it does not mean that he can eat it every day!
Some clarifications
First of all, dogs can eat blackberries, yes, but fresh ones, indeed very fresh. Never buy canned ones or, worse, canned ones that are terrible and difficult to digest. The more natural the flavors remain, the fewer additions we make, the safer we are that Fido’s stomach is safe. This applies to raw foods, as in this case. But also to cooked ones that cannot be prepared to our culinary standards.
This type of fruit (we are talking about the non-natural one) contains such a quantity of added sugars and artificial preservatives. In fact, we humans should avoid eating it either. The basic advice, which must be confirmed by the nutritionist, is to take a handful of fresh strawberries, wash them thoroughly with water, and bicarbonate. They must be rinsed thoroughly to leave no trace.
To feed them to a small specimen, in fact, they can be blended or crushed with a fork to make them easier to swallow and prevent the little one from suffocating. In this regard, it may be useful to know in case of a canine emergency how to intervene to help the dog who has something stuck in his throat.
So we can add them to the dog’s meal, mixing them directly with the contents of the bowl or giving them extra as a reward when they behave well and follow our directions by being obedient. We are sure that Fido will thank us.
Here is a little “gem” to make the most of the potential of this ingredient with the many benefits that we are now going to analyze. We always keep a few pieces of strawberry aside in the freezer to use in the summer as a snack: not only does it keep longer, but we won’t have to worry about an express preparation on the spot every time.